With a donation of $25 or more, you will receive a campaign t-shirt! Sizes Available Youth Small - Large and Adult Small - XXXL

$51,759 raised

$50,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

This year, we aim to raise $50,000 towards our general operations. These funds allow us to sustain day-to-day ministry of providing support and care for at-risk children and families in Haiti, especially during times like these. You can be a part of this life-changing ministry by donating towards this campaign, the spreading the word by sporting a one of a kind "Bondye Konnen" t-shirt (youth sizes come in heathered grey) and sharing our posts on social media! Thank you for supporting Children of the Promise.

Bondye konnen, God knows. This commonly used phrase in Haiti directs our attention to God as our source of provision and control. It is God who knows what tomorrow will bring, and it is He who works together everything according to his purposes. The founders of COTP stepped out in faith 20 years ago not knowing what would come from it years down the road. But God knew, and He knows what it will look like 20 years from now and beyond.
In honor of celebrating 20 years of ministry in Haiti this year, our 2020 Spring Campaign theme is Bondye konnen. We will explore this theme by looking at some defining threads woven throughout the past 20 years, reflecting on where we are now, and looking ahead to where God is leading us.